CEO 1 Month - Case Study

Want to try the CEO’s seat?

A lot of people did.

When Adecco Group opened its ‘CEO for One Month’ program, over 185k people applied to try sitting in the CEO’s chair for four weeks.

People around the world applied. But only 34 lucky winners from each country got a chance to try their hand at the helm and run an international company with 34,000 employees.

They’d shadow the CEO for a month, and even get the same salary.

It was a huge opportunity. And a challenge.

But they weren’t doing it alone.

What we did

We gave the winners 10 weeks of specialised Focus by EZRA coaching to support them in the program and beyond. So they got to learn and grow in a safe space.

Focus by EZRA is 1:1 coaching combined with nudges to keep everyone on track. It’s short, sharp and focused. And you can easily measure the impact.

We drilled into four specific areas for the ‘CEO for a month’ winners.

Confidence. Developing self. Influence. Networking.

At the end of the coaching, people felt 14% better at networking. And 13% more confident.

Decorative image that looks like quotation marks

“It was really nice talking about my feelings and challenges that I have to work on for the career I’ll have in the future.”

Tasneem Miah

UK Winner, CEO1M

The results

100% participation
average coach rating
Started coaching within 2 weeks

Everyone took up the offer of EZRA Focus coaching.
And quickly too, with most people starting in two weeks.

People weren’t sure at first. But as their coaches gained their trust and they opened up about their challenges, from organising and planning, to the deeper stuff like imposter syndrome, they got closer to meeting their goals. And they rated their coaches higher.

A 5/5 rating from the CEO’s of the future?

We’ll take a seat at that table.

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