Solutions that connect to your business problems

At EZRA, we combine the best of behavioral science with personalized learning experiences. We can help all your teams learn and thrive, as our programs are designed for everyone in your organization.

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We cover four business areas

Our products work together to drive your transformation

1:1 unlimited coaching powered professional development. Perfect for a variety of use cases and audience levels.

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An 8 to 10 weeks 1:1 development intervention focused on a specific topic, combining coaching and behavioural nudges.

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An enhanced coaching experience designed exclusively for Executive Leaders, with elevated features for top executives.

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Learning for every career stage

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Early career

Helping you settle in and kickstart your career.

Lower management Image

Lower management

Learn to manage, motivate, and inspire people.

Middle management Image

Middle management

Learn essential skills and fulfil your ambitions.

Emerging leadership Image

Emerging leadership

Add even more leadership skills to your repertoire.

Executive leadership Image

Executive leadership

Flexible training programs designed for busy leaders.

The proof is in the performance


Overall competence improvement


Managers observe increased employee engagement


improvement in employee retention