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Our Leadership programs are all built around the same core goals. Thriving in these areas enables leaders to operate with confidence and effectiveness throughout the organization.

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  • Attract the best

  • Grow people’s potential

  • Hold on to star players

Because superstars expect self-development

High-potentials, millennials, new starters. These groups are hungry to self-reflect and set goals; Talent Magnet gives them that space. And while coaching is never one-size-fits-all, it can help your people work on their:

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Sense of purpose.

From setting goals to feeling valued, a coach can make your people feel more at home in your org – whether they’ve been around months or years.

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Confidence on the job.

By spotting successes and boosting self-belief, a coach can help your people shape their role to what they’re good at.

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Specific skills,

like time management or learning to lead. Because as companies and roles change, personal development shouldn’t get lost along the way.

Cómo funciona.

Establece objetivos

Tu gente es quien decide qué objetivos establecer para trabajar, por lo que la responsabilidad recae sobre ellos desde el principio.

Cómo funciona.

Grow greatness

Magnet de talentos: una guía para la contratación de los mejores empleados

Endless job openings and restless minds: there’s tough competition of top talent right now. It’s hard enough to hold on to the superstars you already have, let alone tempt new ones to the team.  

Get the edge with Talent Magnet: by giving your best players unlimited access to a career coach for a month, they can find their place and purpose – right by your side. 

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