EZRA 2023 Client Summit Insights Report

Dec 20 2023 | Ricerca
Gruppo di dipendenti di EZRA, in posa per una foto sull'ingresso a gradoni del palazzo

At EZRA, we believe in the powerful combination of science and customer-driven innovation. As such, we recently gathered over sixty of the brightest minds in talent, leadership and learning from global organizations to share perspectives on the future of work. This included leaders from Adobe, AstraZeneca, Condé Nast, Netflix, PepsiCo and Unilever who joined our client partner summits in Barcelona and Tarrytown, New York.

Five key themes covered from our time together include:

  1. Building leadership effectiveness

  2. Embedding coaching in the moments that matter

  3. Becoming a skills-based organization

  4. Measuring impact aligned to business outcomes

  5. AI-human collaboration

If you’re interested in learning more about these topics and the role they play in shaping the future of coaching and development, download the full report.

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