Identificazione Del Tempo Massimo di Apprendimento

Did you know that it’s possible to identify your own peak learning time? Ezra explains the concept of optimising when you take onboard new information and how you can use it to make learning easier to implement lasting habit changes.
If you’ve studied various skills in your spare time in the past, then you’ll know that there are different times when you might study more efficiently or absorb information with more ease. Some people find that they remember things more easily when it’s the evening time, whereas others might find that studying at night is the preferred option for them, which affects how well they retain that learning.
In reality, everyone has a different learning style. Thankfully, there are ways to work out the best time for you to absorb information. Many people have their own personal preferences, so it’s a good idea to invest a bit of time into working out your best time to study so that you can feel motivated to learn instead of forcing yourself to fight fatigue and discomfort while learning new skills.
What does a peak learning time mean?
In simple terms, peak learning time is a time of day when you feel most motivated to learn. This usually boils down to a handful of benefits:
You enjoy your learning because you’re in the mood for it.
You learn faster because you’re motivated.
You don’t need to fight against fatigue, discomfort, or resistance.
You spend your “low” time more efficiently by doing other tasks.
Generally, if there are times of the day when you feel most productive, those are likely your most effective times to study. If you already know the times of day where you’re motivated to work, then you can simply aim to study during those hours to help embed the learning you do more easily. However, if you’re like most people, then it can be a little difficult trying to work out your peak learning times.
Finding your peak learning time
First, you can split the day into five learning times; morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and night. Next, you can ask yourself a couple of simple questions to help you figure out your ideal learning time.
When do you prefer to wake up?
When do you prefer to go to bed?
Do you tend to sleep in?
Does it take a long time to go to bed?
How long does it take for you to “wake up”?
Do you feel more or less motivated after lunch?
You can concentrate better after eating?
When do you like spending your mental energy?
These are the types of questions that are important to consider when it comes to finding your peak learning time. In short, you should be looking for a time of day when you’re most focused, where you have few distractions, and when you’re not feeling sluggish or slow. This will change for everyone and there’s no universal peak learning time that applies to everyone. Some people find it much easier to absorb knowledge as soon as they wake up, while others might find it easier after eating something. Everyone has different approaches to their peak learning time, so don’t hesitate to take some time to find yours.