Condé Nast: Case Study
How Condé Nast leaders discovered the value of coaching and established a coaching culture

Condé Nast brings dozens of global media brands together under one roof. But sharing a roof wasn’t enough. They wanted to become one business. Global. Integrated. And cohesive.
That’s a change that needs to start at the top. At the end of the day, editors-in-chief are responsible for their labels’ success. But highly creative organizations have their own ways of working and collaboration can be tough.
Senior leaders might be geniuses when it comes to creativity – but not always when it comes to leadership and management.
How do you make many brands feel like one? That’s where EZRA comes in.
We worked closely with Condé Nast to design a six-month program. It empowered leaders to:
Build their confidence
Feel positive about change
Apply their creativity to organizational challenges
Lead difficult conversations
Take decisive action
Inspire and support their teams through change
Then we rolled it out. Senior leaders weren’t convinced on day one. They said that there was a lot of nuance in the way their teams communicated. They didn’t know if an outsider would get it. But trying EZRA changed their minds.
My coach has had a profound impact on how I look at myself as a manager and leader.
Change is hard. But leaders don't need to go it alone.
EZRA coaches listened before they spoke and established trust with the leaders. They spent the early sessions learning about the challenges leaders faced.
Then the coaches used psychology, business expertise and their personal experience to help. With a coach behind them, the editors-in-chief communicated their visions to their team. They built greater ties across Condé Nast. And they became better leaders.
Results and impact
You don’t have to take our word for it. Here’s what the participants said about coaching:
recommend their coach
average professional development score
average rating for their coach
The lesson, Condé Nast’s leaders say, is to try it. If you’re skeptical, start small. Try a pilot program. But you won’t be skeptical for long. Because you can’t deny results.
Click here to learn more about the power of digital coaching.