HRMI Canada: Conferencia de Talento y Recursos Humanos

Apr 10 2022 | Eventos
Mujer sonriente con los brazos cruzados, que lleva un top verde esmeralda

EZRA's VP Sales Dana Lanuzziello will take the stage at HR Management Institute in Canada to host a Think Tank on the role of purpose in driving employee engagement.

The concept of living a life of ‘purpose’ is continually coming up for employees, especially after being faced with two years in a pandemic. Many are reframing their purpose and seeing the importance of connecting to a greater purpose within their organizations.

Join Dana Ianuzziello, VP Sales Canada at EZRA Coaching as she hosts a discussion on:

  • How a strong sense of purpose factors into employee engagement,

  • Ideas organizations can nurture this in order to attract, develop and retain employees, and

  • Why coaching is a powerful intervention for enabling a connection with our greater purpose.

Find out more.

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