Deloitte Canada - Case Study

You’ve just made partner?  

Why it’s OK to feel the jitters with the joy: a case study with Deloitte Canada 

The step up to partnership is a brilliant achievement. It’s also hard. 

But that can be a difficult thing to say at a time of great celebration in your life, and when you’re being recognised for your hard work.  

Coaching reminds you it’s OK to feel like your feet aren’t quite touching the bottom.  

And actually, that can be quite a good thing.  

Deloitte Canada knew it. 

And they wanted their new partners to feel more comfortable with change, so they could enjoy this great step forward in their lives. And they introduced their Power of Partnership coaching program. 
It means new partners are not alone. They’re supported. And they’ll get reassurance that feeling a little out of their depth is part of growth and change. In fact, they might even find they thrive on it: 

“Transitioning from a senior manager to a partner is a journey in itself. But with a deeper purpose and perspective, it actually becomes easier. And if you have friends along the way, the journey is a lot more enjoyable.”
- Jai Joshi, Partner, US Tax, Deloitte Canada

A safe space 

Even if we love our work and colleagues, sometimes it’s just simpler to talk to a stranger, a person from the outside who can listen and advise objectively. And, in the case of a coach, someone who is uniquely qualified to see the things that we (or even our family, friends and colleagues) might not.    

Coaching talks to individuals.  

Everything from making an impact on the bottom line, to building a personal brand and presence to get your team behind you. Or even becoming a coaching kind of leader yourself.  

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In a world where engagement and retention is really important, I think providing all of our people with coaches really does help to give them a sense of connection to the organization, connection to their personal purpose and how they can connect it to their work.

Neil Hunter

Chief Learning Officer, Deloitte Canada

And if you’ve taken to partnership like a duck to water?

Coaching will help you too.  

"You can ask questions that you yourself probably wouldn't want to ask, but you can with the coach. And you get very good objective and outside views on some of the challenges you face.”
- Kunal Verma, Partner, Private Audit, Deloitte Canada

Great individuals make a great business

The results


for their coaches


for their development

Most new partners used the coaching program to help them negotiate well with other people. And the next most popular goals were boosting performance and value, which benefit both the individual and the bigger business.  


And perfectly aligned with Deloitte Canada’s approach to learning - coaching isn’t just about technical and professional skills. Human skills and feeling fulfilled personally are equally important:   

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Every single leader that I have talked to has thought that this is a really differentiated talent experience.

Lori Billing

Director, Leadership Development, Deloitte Canada

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